Pastor Brandon D. Collins is a native of Shreveport, LA. He was called as Senior Pastor of New Gideon Baptist Church on February 7, 2016. He preached his first sermon as Pastor-Elect on the Sunday, March 6, 2016. He was installed as Pastor on Sunday, May 22, 2016.
Served at Bright Star Baptist Church; working with the Youth Ministry
Called to the ministry at the age of 16 and preached his first sermon.
Became Youth Minister of Bright Star Baptist Church
(serving closely with the Senior Pastor)
In 2009, called to pastor the Old Border Baptist Church, Waskom, TX
During his tenure, the church moved from two Worship Sundays to four, including a midweek Bible study explosion.
Seven (7) years of pastoral experience
East Baton Rouge Parish Minister’s Conference
Fourth District Missionary Baptist Association
Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention
National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.